Pastor Stevens is an anointed vessel of God with a vision from the Lord to transform lives and build a unified community for the Kingdom of God. As the Senior Pastor of Hope Aglow Empowerment Center, Pastor Stevens has a zeal to win the lost for Christ by walking in his gifting as a Teacher of the Word of God and Preacher of the Gospel. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies, a Master’s degree in Theology and has been accepted into a Doctoral program in Pastoral Ministry.
Pastor Stevens recognized the divine calling to preach the Gospel Message in his formative years but did not yield to the will of God until after his service to his country as a United States Marine. Through the most difficult challenges of his life, Pastor Stevens acknowledged the fact that it was impossible to experience real victory without consecrating himself unto God. He made a radical change to follow God’s leading by preparing himself for the work of the ministry and subsequently pioneered a church several years later in his living room. Due to the exponential growth of the congregation, there are now two campus locations operating in Fredericksburg and Woodbridge, Virginia as one church. His televised Sunday program has been aired on two major networks.
Pastor Stevens is exceptionally skillful at dispelling erroneous thinking by teaching the Word of God with conviction, courage, and clarity. As a result, countless individuals have been added to the Kingdom, family relationships have been restored, and financial situations have been repaired by the divine intervention of God. A prolific writer, Pastor Stevens has authored several books specifically designed to empower individuals in their Christian walk.
Pastor Stevens is a devoted family man who is committed to his wife, Lady Saverna Stevens. Their three adult children, Juanita, Desiree, and Levonzia Jr. love the Lord and are actively involved in the work of ministry.