The Purpose of the Children's Ministry of Hope Aglow Empowerment Center is:
To teach the Word of God in order to equip our children with the tools they need to live a Godly life
To provide a fertile training ground for our teachers, as they instruct and minister to our children in a caring and nurturing environment.
To lend support to the parents of our children and be a source of encouragement to them as they seek to train their children.
The staff of the Children's Ministry is a proud group of committed leaders who have a passion for the nurturing of God's children. The immediate leadership consists of :
Alex Ramos
Minister - FamilyLife Division
Their are numerous Duty Supervisors, Team Leaders, Teachers and Teachers Aides whom all volunteer to nurture our children. See our additional pages other staff members.
For more information about the vision of our Children's Ministry here at Hope Aglow Empowerment Center, e-mail us at seedsofempowerment@hopeaglow.org or call the church administrative office at 703-490-HOPE (4673).