Welcome to our Outreach Ministry!
Our Outreach Ministry proclaim the message of Christ to all souls so that they are empowered through the unadulterated truth of the Gospel of Christ. Our vision further rests in the commandment given to the Body of Christ by Jesus himself "go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." Our outreach will not just stop at the community at hand, but will spread to the nation and then to the world. As according to Acts 1:8, we envision an international component to this ministry where we would effectively use our partnership with our faith based organization in many counties across the world to take the world for Christ.
Evangelism is important and God wants us to do it for the following reasons:
1.) to show compassion
2.) To save lost souls
3.) For fellowship with new believers.
In conjunction with the education aspect of this division, we will also train and develop the people of God to become an army with a mission - Transforming souls.

The Shelter Ministry is designed to spread the gospel by volunteering two nights annually to prepare and serve dinner at the local shelter. Prayer will go forth before dinner, and all volunteers sit and minister while sharing a meal. Flyers will be posted with the offer of van pick-up for Sunday and Wednesday nights.
The Prison Ministry has evolved from the need to reach out and demonstrate God's love to men and women who are in need of healing and spiritual development. It's vision is to encourage others with the message of hope and love of Jesus. Through Jesus Christ the mercy of God is available to everyone, even individuals who are guilty of the most offensive crimes. The Prison Ministry is charged with letting inmates know that there is someone who cares. If you have any questions or concerns, contact us at prisonministry@hopeaglow.org.